Now that the holidays are nearly over I have had some time to blog about some of the work I have completed. I have the carbs nearly done. Somewhere in the process I lost the connecting rod that goes between the two carbs. Bruce is buying that for me along with some other bits and do-dads. Yeah! Thanks Dad. I have the gas tank re-installed. Here is a pic of the tank in the living room next to the Christmas tree. Yeah, I have a great wife.
I started some other work as well, draining the oil and finding upon refill that the valve cover gasket leaks like crazy; repairs the cooling system are going to involve a new branch pipe as well as hoses.
In leu of the leaking valve cover gasket, I have decided to change out as many gaskets as I can without tearing down the entire engine. So the tappet cover, water pump and everything around it, valve cover, and head cover plate, are all getting new gaskets. As you might expect parts are on order. That seems to be a recurring theme.
I also checked compression and found all the cylinders have great compression!
The next step is getting the carbs on and the fuel pump mounted, getting the linkage to the carbs working well, and then tearing into the cooling system. I'm feeling really good about the kind of progress I'm making and unless I have a wicked setback we should be turning this baby over by spring as planned. Fingers crossed.