Friday, March 5, 2010

It's ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!

I got the MG engine running last night.

That sentence is so short and simple it doesn't really convey what it means to me. I've worked on a handful of cars in various states of restoration and none have given me the kind of joy that this car has. I'm not being sappy or sentimental, it's just a fact. I was jumping around the garage last night giving little fist pumps and saying little prayers of thanks. It's not unusual for a wrench turning session to end in frustration on these old cars, bolts break, rusty bits won't come loose, you find something else doesn't work AFTER placing a big parts order. The list goes on. And working on the MG has been no exception. I have encountered all of those things repeatedly yet I have remained undaunted. The journey is not over by any means, I know that, but wow! what a nice little victory.

I was giddy last night. I had never heard a MG engine run. As the garage filled with exhaust I was filled with pride and joy. Exhaust never smelled so sweet. It's looking really good that we will be cruising this spring as I initially planned. I really thought that my spring deadline was a bit ambitious but I needed a goal but I never took into consideration the time spend idle waiting for parts to ship.

None of that matters. Today I grin. I can't wait for Dad to drive this car again.


  1. I can't wait to drive it either!! I was so happy to hear the engine running over the phone Thursday night. You're doing a great job Kevin.

  2. Kevin, ask Dad about the time when he was in Colorado at college(School of Mines) and it was nine thousand below zero and NONE of his roommates' cars would start. From my recollection of the story, the MG was in somewhat of a "down for the winter" stage...but apparently it fired right up! Such an amazing car you're bringing back to life, and I too can't wait to see it in action.

  3. Thanks guys! I too have heard that story. That car has a "will to live."
